Figurines with varying ornaments Sizes from Ø 8 cm to Ø 22 cm. 2018 Other unique works Nasturtium Green-glazed rough pots with plates Green loops 125 gram of movement Starbody / Soft sixpointing shape Swaying / Sprouting Tile with oak leaves Green waving and swaying shape Crowns, pots with plates Mounted yellow dress urn Teapots, cups and saucers Waving yellow Fullersta pot and cup Acorn jars Cosmos Teapot with oak leaves Secret jar Contemplative Moss Islands Cup Glazed landscape Figurines with varying ornaments Colorful landscape Vessel Chrystallised glaze Batoidea, Manta ray Shimmering ice blue or heavenly soft life Floating ray fish Glazed tile Cups Cups with rounded ears Figurines Teapot in porcelain Jellyfish White Porcelain Figures Tree stump figures Bark Tiles Grayscale oak Shimmering water