Tree stump figures

Tree stump figures

Tree stump figures W34 x H28 x D4 cm. 2018 Imprints made in Shigaraki, Japan at the SCCP. Hand built in red stoneware and fired in the Anagama kiln 2018. Other unique works Teapot with oak leaves Secret jar Cup Chrystallised glaze Batoidea, Manta ray Shimmering ice...
Bark Tiles

Bark Tiles

Bark Tiles W28 x H34 x D3 cm. 2018 Reduction fired red stoneware from Anagama firing in Shigaraki, Japan 2018. Other unique works Teapot with oak leaves Secret jar Cup Chrystallised glaze Batoidea, Manta ray Shimmering ice blue or heavenly soft life Floating ray fish...


Nasturtium Ø 13 x 24 cm. 2009 Handmade flower in black and white earthenware clay. Glazed in shiny red, orange, yellow and green colours, fired in electric kiln, 1040°C. Other unique works Nasturtium Green-glazed rough pots with plates Green loops 125 gram of movement...
Green-glazed rough pots with plates

Green-glazed rough pots with plates

Green-glazed rough pots with plates Ø 17 x H 22 cm, Ø 17 x H4 cm. 2017 Wheel-thrown in natural earthenware brick-clay from Horn in Sweden, partially dipped in white slip, green-glazed, fired in electric kiln up to 1030°C. Other unique works Nasturtium Green-glazed...
Green loops

Green loops

Green loops W 104 x H 178 x D 1 cm. 2009 White clay, using extruder and then shaped, glazed in shiny green, fired in 1040°C. Other unique works Nasturtium Green-glazed rough pots with plates Green loops 125 gram of movement Starbody / Soft sixpointing shape Swaying /...